
DHL Hong Kong Air Trade Leading Index (DTI)|2017 Q4 REPORT

Hong Kong is one of the major regional and aviation hubs in Asia Pacific, and Hong Kong International Airport is globally recognized as one of the busiest airports in terms of international cargo throughput. The city’s dynamic air trade industry generates income of over HK$120bn annually and employs nearly 25,000 people (1, 2, 3) in the territory.
In the absence of a leading performance indicator for the industry, DHL Express (Hong Kong) Limited (DHL) has commissioned Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) to conduct independent air trade research – the result of which is the DHL Hong Kong Air Trade Leading Index (DTI).
DTI, compiled after months of preparation and pilot studies, contains quarterly findings on air trade and its related attributes, market sentiment and key types of commodities.
DTI is the first of its kind in Hong Kong, offering publicly available market intelligence for local enterprises, especially SMEs which typically have limited resources or access to information, enabling all to take reference from a comprehensive business review of the sector in which they operate.
DTI was first conducted for Q2 of 2014 and will continue to be published on a quarterly basis.
DTI = [100 x (Percentage of samples responded “Positive”)] + [50 x (Percentage of samples responded “Neutral”)] + [0 x (Percentage of samples responded “Negative”)]
An index value above 50 indicates an overall positive outlook while a reading below 50 represents an overall negative outlook for the surveyed quarter.
As such, the further the reading is from 50, the more positive or negative the outlook.
Respondents are Hong Kong based companies with either in- or out-bound air trade. Sectors include Watches, Clocks & Jewellery, Apparel & Clothing Accessories, Electronics Products & Parts, Gifts, Toys & Houseware, Food & Beverage and Others (including courier services and other items which do not belong to the categories listed above).
Since the first reading for Q2 2014, every quarter over 600 samples are randomly selected from over 10,000 entries. The survey is conducted by telephone. Each of the 600 samples represents a combination of company and product type which has need of air trade. Each sample has the same weighting in calculating the index, regardless of the size of the company.
The outlook for Q4 2017 is generally steady, with increased demand for air exports helping to boost confidence among traders. This marks one of the highest readings for two years as concerns about the global economy have been somewhat allayed as the year progresses.
  • For the first time in three years, prospects for air exports have surpassed the outlook on air imports, which has largely been driven by demand in the Americas, with a noticeable recovery in Apparel & Clothing Accessories.
  • The better prospect for air trade is being driven also by festive season demand, particularly for western markets. In addition to Christmas, several major online shopping festivals are boosting respondents’ confidence, including Singles’ Day, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday.
  • Nevertheless, air importers are more cautious in their outlook because of an anticipated fall in sales volume coupled with softened demand for Asia Pacific imports. However, local retail sales have grown at their fastest rate since early 2015, signaling a sustained recovery. Many respondents expect local retail sales to continue to thrive, which will help provide positive support for air imports.
  • Mr Gordon Lo, Director (Business Management) of Hong Kong Productivity Council, said, “The market outlook is still conservative. Enterprises should diversify their product and market portfolios to avoid the risk of focusing on a single business or region amid market changes. They can also introduce more value-added elements to their existing products or services to increase the business turnover and enhance customer loyalty.
    Furthermore, as online retail business is gradually becoming the mainstream, information security of customer and enterprise data also calls for attention. Recent incidents of ransomware, data leakage, email fraud, in particular, were wake-up calls for enterprises to stay vigilant against cyber security threats. In addition to implementing an information security management policy, enterprises are advised to keep their system software updated, install network security software, regularly back up data, and conduct related training to their staff. At the same time, they should note the latest security update and tools provided by organizations such as the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre (HKCERT) and Government Computer Emergency Response Team Hong Kong (GovCERT.HK) to ensure timely response to address the potential risks.”
Air Trade Volume Index
The sector is expected to remain generally steady in Q4 2017, with a modest increase compared with the previous quarter.
Air Trade Volume for Q4 2017 is up by 0.6 points to 45.8 points compared with 45.2 in the previous quarter. This is because of increased demand for air exports, which has resulted in an air export score surpassing the import score for the first time in past three years.
(Re-) Export Index climbed by 2.0 points to 46.2 points in Q4 2017, and 4.1 points compared with the same period under review a year ago. Demand from the Americas had fueled the increase in confidence, while demand in Asia Pacific markets is also expected to strengthen.
However, overall gains in the air trade sector have been tempered by weakening Air Imports, which were down by 2.0 points to 45.2 in Q4 2017 compared to the previous quarter. This is attributable to an expected fall in demand for Asia Pacific imports, highlighted by the noticeable drop in sales volume.
The outlook remains stable for the period under review, with a slight increase in sales volume and shipment urgency.
Sales Volume is up by a point to 48 compared with the previous quarter thanks to the aforementioned improvement in air export volumes to markets in the Americas and Asia Pacific.
Product Variety has remained rather stable over the past quarters and posted a score of 49 due to steadiness in both imports and exports.
Shipment Urgency rose by 1 point to 48, compared with 47 in Q3 2017 as demand in the Americas is expected to grow.
The most noticeable change is an upward swing in markets in the Americas, driven by recovering demand for air exports. Outlook on other markets are slightly more cautious.
The major difference in the markets compared with the previous quarter is that the Americas climbed dramatically by 7 points to 49. Air traders foresaw a major uptick in demand for air exports while air imports remained steady. Improved demand is expected to be most noticeable in the Apparel sector, followed by Electronic Products & Parts.
Other markets were more subdued. For Europe, respondents posted a score of 45, which is down 1 point from 46 in Q3 2017, caused by a fall in demand for Electronic Products & Parts. There was also a slight dip in Asia Pacific, which scored 44 in Q4 2017, down by 2 points from the previous quarter. The reason for this is that the increased demand in exports was offset by a bigger decline in imports.
For the Rest of the World, the score given in Q4 2017 was 48, also down by 2 points from the previous quarter, mainly due to reduced demand to expand product variety.
Air-Freighted Commodities
Respondents expect an unsettled environment for key commodities in Q4 2017, with variable gains and losses across all segments.
Apparel & Clothing Accessories leapt by 7 points in Q4 2017 to 42, up from 35 in the previous quarter, thanks to higher demand in the Americas in the run-up to the festive season. However, subdued demand from European markets dragged the outlook on Electronic Products & Parts, as the index score fell by 5 points to 46 in Q4 2017.
Food and Beverage remains steady at 56 points, down by a single point from the last quarter. This score topped key commodities, and the outlook for imports and exports remains optimistic despite the slight decrease.
Gifts, Toys and Houseware rose by 3 points to 48, compared with 45 in Q3 2017, bolstered by better prospects in the export market.
For Watches, Clocks and Jewellery, soft demand in the Americas has led to a slightly conservative outlook from respondents, with the index score dropping 4 points to 48 in Q4 2017.
Effect of Recent Market News on Air Trade
With the festive period looming, air traders are more confident than in previous quarters, with many looking to retail recovery and online shopping festivals to drive growth. However, political instability in North Asia has raised concerns among some air traders.
Respondents expect pre-holiday orders to swell prior to this year’s Christmas compared with the same period last year, most noticeable in Western markets. A score of 55 underpins this confidence in the markets.
This quarter’s major online shopping days, namely Singles’ Day, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, are expected to generate volume growth. The outlook is optimistic compared with last year, as air traders anticipate these online shopping festivals to stimulate business.
Recent development in North Korea has generated a certain amount of uncertainty in North Asia. Despite generally expecting negative impact, majority of the respondent do not foresee air trade to be brought down by the issue in Q4.
When respondents were asked whether or not they expect the growth in retail sales to continue to be of benefit to air imports, 57% air importers foresee this growth continuing and will bolster air imports in this quarter.
Air traders were asked about how online B2C platforms were drivers of air exports. Of these, global-scale marketplaces, plus Chinese marketplaces, were seen as the key drivers. Together they accounted for more than 60% for respondents, with global-scale marketplaces scoring slightly higher. These platforms were followed by dedicated online platforms at 22%, while Asian marketplace accounted for only a minor fraction.
About Hong Kong Productivity Council
The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) is a multi-disciplinary organization established by statute in 1967. HKPC’s mission is to promote productivity excellence through the provision of integrated support across the value chain of Hong Kong firms, in order to achieve a more effective utilization of resources, to enhance the value-added content of products and services, and to increase international competitiveness. For more information, please visit the HKPC website at www.hkpc.org.
For more details about the Index, please contact Mr. Eric Cheung at tel. (852) 2788 6008 or email: ericcheung@hkpc.org
This report contains survey results based on research findings. HKPC will not be liable for any loss, mistake, delay, action or non-action by viewers of this report.

DHL 香港空運貿易領先指數 (DTI) |2017 年第四季度報告

香港是亞洲主要的地區及航運樞紐之一,而香港國際機場的國際貨運吞吐量更享譽全球。香港空 貿行業蓬勃,每年為本港帶來超過 1,200 億港元收入,並製造近 25,000 個就業機會(1,2,3)。
有見空貿行業欠缺領先指標,DHL Express(香港)遂委託香港生產力促進局(生產力局)進行 獨立調查,將所得結果綜合成為「DHL 香港空運貿易領先指數」(DTI)。
本指數經過多個月的準備及初步研究,並綜合數個季度的資料整合而成,反映和探討受訪者對香 港空運貿易、各項基本因素、市場反應和對主要商品貿易的展望。
「DHL 香港空運貿易領先指數」(DTI)是香港首個供公眾參閱空運貿易指數,為需要更多資源 及市場資訊的本地中小企及企業提供市場情報和發展趨勢。
首個 DHL 香港空運貿易領先指數調查於 2014年第二季度展開,並定期按季發表。
指數計算方法: 指數 = [100 x (受訪者中回答「增加」的樣本比例) ] + [50 x (受訪者中回答「不變」 的樣本比例) ] + [0 x (受訪者中回答「減少」的樣本比例) ]
指數顯示 50 或以上代表正面的前景展望,50 或以下則代表負面的前景展望。指數距離 50 愈遠,表示對前景(正面或負面)的展望愈為強烈。
調研對象是以香港為業務中心,並參與入口或出口空運貿易的公司,其業務範圍包括以下各類商 品:手錶、鐘錶、首飾、衣飾、電子產品及部件、禮品、玩具及家品、食物及飲料、其他(包括 速遞文件及不屬上述種類的商品)。
自 2014 年第二季首次調查起,每季從超過 1 萬個調研對象中隨機抽選以進行電話訪問,收集超 過 600 個受訪者對空運的展望。調查樣本以企業及商品為單位,不就各企業的生意規模進行加權 調整。
2017年第四季度的展望 大致 平穩,隨著市場對 出口 空運 的需求上升,帶動 空運 用家信心 增 加 。 踏入 年底 , 市場 早前對全球經濟的 憂慮 逐漸 緩和 , 本 季度的 空運 展望 亦 錄 得 過去 兩年 來 最高的指數之一 。
  • 本季空運出口前景主要受美洲市場帶動,當中以衣飾需求反彈最為顯著。出口空運展 望更超越入口空運,屬過去三年內首次。
  • 此外,整體空運亦受惠於節日旺季需求增長,帶動展望有所改善,以西方市場最為明 顯。除聖誕節外,光棍節、黑色星期五及網購星期一等網上購物旺季亦令受訪者對前 景信心增強。
  • 然而,由於市場預期相關銷售量將會下跌,以致空運入口前景趨向審慎,入口自亞太 地區的需求亦轉趨疲軟。雖然如此,本地零售額持續增長,為自 2015 年初以來最高, 反映零售業正呈現持續復甦之勢。不少受訪者預期本地零售市場將繼續造好,有助空 運入口增長。
  • 香港生產力促進局副總裁(企業管理)老少聰表示:「市場展望仍然保守。企業宜採 取產品多元化或市場分散策略,避免專注於單一業務或地區,以減低市場變化帶來的 風險。同時,亦可以於現有的產品或服務上,開拓更多增值元素,以增加營業額及顧 客忠誠度。另外,現時網上零售逐漸成為主流,客戶及企業資料的網絡保安也越趨重要,特別是 近年肆虐的勒索軟件、資料外洩以及電郵詐騙等,要多加防範。除了實施網絡保安管 理政策外,企業必須定時更新系統軟件、安裝保安軟件、定期為資料備份,及為員工 提供網絡保安培訓。同時,亦需留意香港電腦保安事故協助中心及政府電腦保安事故 協調中心等機構公佈的最新保安資訊及建議,及時回應最新的網絡風險。」
與上季相比, 2017年第四季度的空運貿易增長溫和, 普遍 預期維持平穩。
2017 年第四季度的整體指數由 45.2 點上升至 45.8 點,較 2017 年第三季度微升 0.6 點。 主要由於空運出口需求增加,而空運出口展望為三年內首度超越空運入口。
空運出口 / 轉口指數攀升至 46.2 點,較 2017 年第三季度高出 2 點,亦較去年同期增長 4.1 點。美洲市場需求上升,刺激市場回復信心。此外,市場預期亞太地區市場的需求亦 將增強。
然而,亞太地區入口銷售量顯著下跌,市場預期該區入口需求將會順勢下滑,導致空運 入口表現減弱,削弱整體空運增長,令指數於第四季下滑至 45.2 點,較上季度下降 2 點。
本季 銷售量 及緊急訂單的需 求 稍微上升 , 前景 保 持平穩。
受前述美洲和亞太地區市場空運出口需求改善帶動,銷售量指數上升至 48 點,較上季增 加 1 點。
由於入口及出口量均保持平穩,產品種類指數維持 49 點水平。
鑑於市場預期美洲市場需求上升,刺激緊急訂單指數由 2017 年第三季度的 47 點上升 1 點,錄得 48 點。
受 空運出口 需求增加帶動,美洲市場指數顯著回 升,其他市場 的 前景 則 略 較 上季 審慎。
本季美洲市場指數躍升至 49 點,增幅達 7 點,與 2017 年第三季度指數錄得明顯差異。 空運用家預期空運出口需求將會顯著增強,空運入口則維持平穩。市場展望衣飾需求的改 善最為可觀,其次則為電子產品及部件。
然而,其他市場的指數則有所減弱。受訪者對歐洲市場的展望由 2017 年第三季度的 46 點下調 1 點,錄得 45 點,跌幅源於該市場對電子產品及部件的需求減弱所致。2017 年 第四季度的亞太地區指數同樣有所下調,較上季輕微下滑 2 點,第四季度錄得 44 點。儘 管該市場的空運出口需求增加,惟空運入口錄得更大跌幅,因而抵銷了有關升幅。
其他地區於 2017 年第四季度的指數為 48 點,同樣較上季下跌 2 點,主要由於產品種類 需求縮減所致。
空運 商 品
受訪者預料市場 於2017年第四季 度 將會 出現 波動 ,各個 主要 空運商品 市場 出現 不同幅度
的增長及下調 。
美洲市場受惠於節日旺季上漲,2017 年第四季度衣飾市場的展望由上季的 35 躍升至 42 點,升幅高達 7 點。然而,歐洲市場的需求放緩,拖累電子產品及部件的前景轉淡,指 數下滑 5 點至 46。
食物及飲料指數維持平穩,錄得 56 點。指數雖然較上季微跌一點,仍屬各商品市場之冠, 反映用家對出入口空運前景均維持樂觀。
禮品、玩具及家居用品受惠於出口市場展望轉佳,指數由 2017 年第三季度的 45 上升至 48,錄得 3 點升幅。 鐘錶及首飾指數方面,由於美洲市場需求回軟,受訪者對市場的展望轉趨謹慎,以致 2017 年第四季度指數下跌 4 點,錄得 48 點。
節日旺季臨近, 空運 用家對前景較 過去數 季更有信心, 許多受訪者 預料零售 市場 復甦 及 網購節日將帶動 增長 。然而, 北亞 地區 政局不穩 令部份 空運 用家感到憂慮 。
受訪者預料聖誕前夕的訂單較去年同期為高,當中以西方市場最為明顯。展望指數達到 55 點,反映市場抱持樂觀態度。
本季度主要網購節日包括光棍節、黑色星期五及網購星期一,預料將會帶動空運貨量增長。 由於空運用家預料網購節日將會刺激銷情,市場前景亦較去年同期樂觀。
近期北韓局勢導致北亞地區不明朗因素增加。儘管普遍預期會產生負面影響,大部分受訪 者並不預期會拖累 2017 年第四季度的整體空運貿易。
被問及是否預期零售業增長將繼續帶動空運入口時,57%受訪者預料增長將會持續,並 對本季空運入口提供支持
對於有助推動空運出口的企業對顧客(B2C)銷售平台,共逾 60%受訪者表示全球性網 上零售平台及中國網上零售平台為兩股主要動力,前者所佔的比例稍高。自行營運的網上 零售平台排行第三,佔整體受訪者的 22%,而亞洲區網上零售平台僅佔少數。
香港生產力促進局(生產力局)於 1967 年依法成立,擁有多元化的專業技術知識。其使命是透 過向香港的企業提供橫跨價值鏈的綜合支援來提升卓越生產力,從而更有效地運用資源,提高產 品和服務的附加值,以及加強國際競爭力。生產力局的網址為:www.hkpc.org。
查詢有關本指數的詳情,請與生產力局代表章景業先生聯絡,電話:(852) 2788 6008,電郵: ericcheung@hkpc.org。
本報告包含調查所得的研究結果。對於因閱讀或使用本文資料而產生的任何損失、錯誤、延誤, 或據此而採取的任何行動或非行動,生產力局概不負責。

原文:  http://www.sme.gig.hk/2017/11/dhl-香港空運貿易領先指數…i-2017-年第四季度報告/